For the past three years we have administered a therapy fund on behalf of former pupils of Oxley Parker School. We acted on behalf of these pupils in claims against the school for physical, emotional and in many cases sexual abuse.
For many of the claimants we were able to negotiate a therapy fund, paid for by the Defendant and administered by us. To date over £120,000 in therapy fund payments have been made helping over 60 people take the step to deal with and move on from the trauma they experienced at the school.
One thing that we have learnt in administering this fund is that therapy can take many forms depending on the individual. When we talk about counselling, lots of people presume that it involves sitting down in a room and talking to a therapist about their trauma. For some people this is the right path for them. For others there are alternative therapies which suit them better. Some of the therapies and services that we have organised include:
EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
Life coaching
Mindfulness courses
Gestalt therapy
Drug rehabilitation
Nutritional advice
Couples’ Counselling
Funding of employment opportunities and further education
Personal training
Gym membership
Not only has it been beneficial for our clients, but it has also been interesting for us to learn about some of the lesser-known therapies out there that have proved to be effective. Over the coming weeks we will be putting the spotlight on some of these therapies to find out what’s involved and how they work.
If there is a therapy that you’ve found helpful, please email the details to and we’ll include it in our blog.