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The thought of bringing a claim for compensation can daunting, but it does not have to be.


No doubt you will have some questions about the whole process and what you can expect. Hopefully a lot of those questions are answered below or elsewhere on the website, but please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions. We will be more than happy to answer them.  

I don't have any money to pay a Solicitor. Can I still make a claim?

We may be able to offer 'No Win No Fee' arrangements and we will be happy to discuss this type of funding with you. Please look at our 'Funding your Claim' page for a brief overview.


I want to speak out about what happened to me but I feel that I will need some emotional support if I am to commence litigation. Can you offer any kind of assistance other than conducting the litigation?

We have a team of specialist counsellors we can call upon who are experienced at counselling abuse survivors. We recommend this service to all our Claimants. For further information please click here to see our 'Support for survivors' page. We also publish a Survivor's Newsletter regularly, which includes contributions from our clients.


I have been told that I cannot make a claim for compensation because " all happened so long ago." Is this correct?

No. Individual circumstances and the reasons for any delay are taken into account by the Court and it could be that you have a good explanation for not coming forward earlier. Perhaps you are only now strong enough to deal with the traumatic memories of the abuse you suffered.


I was not sexually abused but I used to run away from the children's home and was left in my night-clothes for days when I was taken back. Do I have a claim?

Possibly. This practice is known as 'pindown'. We will have to take full details from you but we have successfully claimed compensation for survivors of 'pindown'.


Will my name appear in the newspaper or on television?

No. Survivors of sexual or other childhood abuse are not named in the media and generally the Court makes an order early in the proceedings that Claimants are not identified.


How long will a claim take?

This is dependent upon the exact circumstances in each case. Litigation is never resolved quickly. However, we do aim to deal with cases as swiftly and efficiently as possible. 


I am quite anxious about seeing a solicitor, could someone visit me at home?

A meeting can take place at this office, your home or in a ‘neutral’ setting such as a coffee bar or park – wherever you feel most comfortable. Although we are based in Cambridge, we are able to travel all over the UK to visit clients. As we specialise in such a specific area of law, we have clients across the UK from Edinburgh to Cornwall. We also have clients from across the world – Canada, the US, Australia and France to name a few.


If I make a claim will I have to attend Court to give evidence?

Most claims are settled out of Court. In this field of litigation generally 99% of claims are settled without a Court hearing. The vast majority of the claims we have settled were finalised without the need for the Claimant to attend Court.


The abuse that I suffered was such that I would prefer to deal with a male / female solicitor. Is this possible?

Yes. We have male and female staff to suit your needs.

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